Mission Statement:

I will give excellence.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I've spent a lot of time lately thinking about where to go with this blog. I've not been here much recently, because I just don't think my life is all that exciting to where I should come here and tell you about it. Besides, the important things that are going on under our big top need to stay there and don't need to be aired in a forum like this. The little things, such as my inability to return library books promptly, would bore you to tears.

We've tried the storytelling thing, I've enjoyed it and I'll probably still do it, but that ties into my perception that I'm not worth all that attention. I've thought about talking about current events, but I see how toxic that atmosphere is, and I don't really need any more angst in my life. I love running, but my Woodrow Miles blog (link at the right) satisfies that jones.

So right now, my thought is to write a short story. I've never done this before-- never taken a course for it or anything. I don't know who the characters will be or what they'll be like. I'm unsure if I'll even want to continue, though maybe the people in the story will want me to end things, lest they be left hanging out there in limbo.

But hopefully this will keep me coming back to this place and putting myself out there a little bit-- commit to something and see what I'm really capable of doing. I don't think I'll become Stephen King or anything, but I like the feeling of accomplishment after I write something on either of my blogs. There might be a little day to day and I might tell an old story or two as well.

So we'll see.

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